🚺electrolysis for WOMEN
*PolyCystic Ovarian SyndromE
PCOS is an imbalance of reproductive hormones which can cause an excess of androgens in the body. This causes excess hair on the face, chest, stomach, back).
DISCLAIMER: Having excessive facial & body hair growth DOES NOT mean you have PCOS. I post this for educational purposes for cisgender women who suspect they may have PCOS. It’s important to do research and to contact a medical provider for more information.
Women who have excessive hair growth on the chin, upper lip, chest, & other parts of the body (hirsutism), including acne, & possibly thinning scalp hair, may later find out they have PCOS.
Other signs/symptoms of PCOS are: irregular periods, weight gain, skin tags, darkening of the skin, & multiple cysts on one or both ovaries.
If you have combinations of any of these symptoms, it's not a bad idea to check-in with your GYN.
*For more info on PCOS, please visit: